Summer Student Placement

Students will be notified at a later date about when applications for internships in the 2023/2024 academic year will be accepted.


Step by step:

  1. First, the student must find a place where he or she would like to do a summer student placement. The requirements for a facility in a given year of study are described in the "Framework Programs Of Summer Student Placement" below. Please note that students can also do their summer placement outside Poland, provided that the institution meets the established requirements.
  2. Agree on the date of the summer student placement and make any other necessary arengments in a given institution. 
  3. Fill out an Application Form. Please note that part of the application must be completed by the person in charge of summer student internship in the institution you have chosen.
  • IMPORTANT: If the student has chosen an institution that does not operate within the framework of Warsaw Medical University (e.g., Department of Orthodontics), along with the application, it is necessary to submit Appendix No. 1, i.e. Requirements for the facility allowed to carry out student internships at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the MUW.
  1. Bring the completed documents to the dean's office for the dean's approval of the summer student placement.
  2. If the institution of your choice requires a referral for internships, please inform the dean's office when submitting your application. Only after obtaining the approval of the dean can such a referral be issued.
  3. During the internship, the placement supervisor appointed by the head of the unit fills out the internship log confirming that the student has completed the requirements. Who can be a placement supervisor is described in the "Framework Programs Of Summer Student Placement" below.
  4. Immediately after completing the summer student placement the student should deliver the internship log to the dean's office. If the student is out of Poland, please contact the dean's office.

Please note that summer student placement is compulsory and necessary to receive credit and promotion for the next year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the dean's office.

Rules And Regulations- Summer Student Placement, English Dentistry Division 

Application Form

Framework Programs Of Summer Student Placement

Student Internship Logs


  1. field of general surgery, internal medicine or oral and maxillofacial surgery
  2. field of healthcare management


Other documents

Regulations Regarding Student Internships Done By Students Of The Faculty Of Medicine And Dentistry
Procedure For Monitoring Student Internships At The Faculty Of Medicine And Dentistry 
Requirements For The Facility Allowed To Carry Out Student Internships At The Faculty Of Medicine And Dentistry 
Memorandum Of Agreement Regarding Student Internships
Procedure For Monitoring Student Internships At The Faculty Of Medicine And Dentistry (Appendix no 3)
Observation Report For The Facility And The Implementation Of Internships At The Faculty Of Medicine And Dentistry

Students doing summer student placement in Poland-  please note that in accordance with applicable regulations the institutions where students will undergo practical classes or professional practice with minor patients have the right to require information, certificates and declarations from the students from the Sex Offender Register and the Register of Sexual Offenders. The full text of the Vice-Rector's announcement is available below: 

Announcement No. 3/2024 Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education of the Medical University of Warsaw of 15 April 2024 (additional information)